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About us

Aimee Bench, LCSW, KPA CTP, is the founder and lead trainer of Long Island-based Mid Island Therapy Dogs (“Mi-T Dogs”).


While she was working as a Clinical Social Worker with severely abused children, Aimee utilized animals to improve the therapeutic process. She recognized the incredible power of the human/animal bond, which led to her studying animal behavior and dog training. Aimee’s passion is helping people and their pets learn how to communicate with each other is a positive manner. Aimee is a Karen Pryor certified training partner and uses only positive reinforcement techniques to train animals. From puppies to older dogs, Aimee uses innovative and fun techniques to help our dogs learn and maintain polite manners and behaviors. Aimee is a Pet Partners ® evaluator and trains and evaluates people and their well mannered pets to work in the rewarding field of animal assisted therapy. Aimee has worked with dogs, cats, rabbits, miniature horses and alpacas! Aimee is also an American Kennel Club CGC (canine good citizen) evaluator. Aimee also works as a trainer for Pets for Vets ® an organization that recues and trains emotional support dogs for Veterans.


Before founding MI-T Dogs, Aimee worked as a Coordinator and Trainer for the Good Dog Foundation and as the Coordinator of the Pet-Assisted Therapy Program at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. In these roles, Aimee recruited, assessed, and trained volunteers and their dogs for visits with patients. She identified appropriate patients and matched them to a specially trained pet team. Through the use of positive, motivational techniques, Aimee maintained a playful and fun environment for the dogs, their partners, and the patients.


Aimee has received various rewards and accolades and has been featured in the media, including a televised segment at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. She is affiliated with Karen Pryor Academy, Pet Partners, APTD, American Kennel Club,Bideawee Animal Shelter, Pets for Vets and has been training dogs for nearly two decades.


Aimee and her dog Puffles enjoy romping in the park, playing fetch with squeaky tennis balls, and meeting/greeting new people and dogs at stores throughout Long Island.

“Aimee delivers personalized training to every one of her clients. I was thrilled to be able to work with her."  ​



“The positive methods that Aimee deploys are much better than my previous trainer. I love the clicker method....Thanks Aimee"  ​


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